This in-person experience, customised for 10-14 people will allow you to immerse yourself in self-exploration and make powerful therapeutic change. Utilising a range of Groupwork techniques (incl. here-and-now relational process work, redecision therapy, family constellations, dreamwork, script analysis, Child Ego State/regression work and supporting you to build trust and open communication in a safe environment) Susie will meet your contract / stated desire for change in a customised way for you.
Susie Hewitt (TSTA-P; MSc Psychotherapy; UKCP Reg. MBACP Snr Accred.) has been running psychotherapy groups weekly for over 13 years and has extensive training and experience in this form of psychotherapy. For TA Trainees
**This Intensive is not for students of Psychotherapy Institute)
**For TA Trainees this Group Therapy experience can be counted towards your 40hr per year personal therapy requirements.